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Anne Norman

Norman, Anne

B.Mus., Dip.Ed. (Melb Univ), MA (ethnomusicology) (Monash)
Anne is a composer and performer of shakuhachi. Originally trained on flute, Anne took up the shakuhachi in 1986 in Kobe under Nakamura Shindo and later studied under Tajima Tadashi in Osaka. In 1990 she received a two year grant from the Japanese Government to study shakuhachi with Yamaguchi Goro at Tokyo University of the Arts.
Anne works as a freelance musician in collaborative improvisation and contemporary Australian music for shakuhachi in combination with a variety of other artists. She has performed in major arts festivals in Melbourne, Sydney, Adelaide and in Norway and Estonia. In Japan, Anne has performed in numerous concerts including two recitals of her own compositions for Japanese instruments.

Anne is a member of the ensemble Jouissance which places the music of Hildegard and other 6th to 13thC Latin & Byzantine chant in a contemporary framework. Her duo Questing Spirit with harpsichord gives recitals of contemporary Australian works as well as Baroque and Japanese repertoire (QS performed for PM Koizumi in 2002 in Sydney). Anne has written, directed and performed music for theatre and dance, as well as the federation bells, koto, choirs and found objects. She conducts a visiting Japanese Music in Schools program for schools throughout Australia. Anne’s music is featured on national and local radio including live broadcasts for the ABC, and she is regularly engaged as a recording artist for CDs and film.




Akathistos Fragments Akathistos Fragments

Breath of Creation Breath of Creation

Traditional folk melodies from Japan, Ireland and England; European art music (Bach, Couperin, van Eyck, Vivaldi): Honkyoku (traditional zen meditations); 20th century compositions and collaborative improvisations. A wonderful juxtaposition of two flute traditions.

Driftwood Driftwood

Original composition. Shakuhachi, didgeridu along with other traditional and modern instruments.

Gift Gift

Spontaneous improvisations with shakuhachi and guitar.

Hildegard's Blood

12th century chants of Hildegard and Abelard in post-modern recontextualization with voice, double bass, percussion and shakuhachi.

Kagome Kagome

Shakuhachi with koto, traditional instruments and voice. Inspired by themes of an ancient Japanese children's song.

On the Wings of a Butterfly On the Wings of a Butterfly

Scent of Time Scent of Time

Up the Creek Up the Creek


Play Button Beside the Stream 02'41 Driftwood 尺八
Play Button Beside the Stream 00'11 Driftwood 尺八
Play Button Beside the Stream 01'53 Driftwood 尺八
Play Button Budding Fronds 02'31 Driftwood 尺八
Play Button Distant Horizon 00'17 Driftwood 尺八
Play Button Distant Horizon 00'14 Driftwood 尺八
Play Button Distant Horizon 05'52 Driftwood 尺八
Play Button Distant Horizon 00'18 Driftwood 尺八
Play Button Distant Horizon 00'18 Driftwood 尺八
Play Button Distant Horizon 00'17 Driftwood 尺八
Play Button Distant Horizon 00'12 Driftwood 尺八
Play Button Distant Horizon 02'14 Driftwood 尺八
Play Button Driftwood Spear 03'20 Driftwood 尺八
Play Button Driftwood Spear 00'09 Driftwood 尺八
Play Button Drip Drort 01'51 Driftwood 尺八
Play Button Drip Drort 01'58 Driftwood 尺八
Play Button Fibonacci Flowers 01'14 Driftwood 尺八
Play Button Fibonacci Flowers 00'47 Driftwood 尺八
Play Button Fibonacci Flowers 01'16 Driftwood 尺八
Play Button Fibonacci Flowers 00'17 Driftwood 尺八
Play Button Fibonacci Flowers 01'07 Driftwood 尺八
Play Button Fibonacci Flowers 01'08 Driftwood 尺八
Play Button Fibonacci Flowers 01'08 Driftwood 尺八
Play Button Fibonacci Flowers 01'13 Driftwood 尺八
Play Button Petrified Forest 02'18 Driftwood 尺八
Play Button Shake a Dead Geranium 00'14 Driftwood 尺八
Play Button Shake a Dead Geranium 00'14 Driftwood 尺八
Play Button Shake a Dead Geranium 00'24 Driftwood 尺八
Play Button Shake a Dead Geranium 00'13 Driftwood 尺八
Play Button Shake a Dead Geranium 00'24 Driftwood 尺八
Play Button Shake a Dead Geranium 00'09 Driftwood 尺八
Play Button Shake a Dead Geranium 04'09 Driftwood 尺八
Play Button Shake a Dead Geranium 00'16 Driftwood 尺八
Play Button Shake a Dead Geranium 00'14 Driftwood 尺八
Play Button Shake a Dead Geranium 00'31 Driftwood 尺八
Play Button Shake a Dead Geranium 00'41 Driftwood 尺八
Play Button Shake a Dead Geranium 01'04 Driftwood 尺八
Play Button Sleeper Awakes 00'10 Driftwood 尺八
Play Button Sleeper Awakes 00'27 Driftwood 尺八
Play Button Sleeper Awakes 00'09 Driftwood 尺八
Play Button Sleeper Awakes 00'29 Driftwood 尺八
Play Button Sleeper Awakes 00'14 Driftwood 尺八
Play Button Sleeper Awakes 03'25 Driftwood 尺八
Play Button Sleeper Awakes 00'17 Driftwood 尺八
Play Button Sleeper Awakes 00'20 Driftwood 尺八
Play Button Sleeper Awakes 01'09 Driftwood 尺八
Play Button Sleeper Awakes 02'14 Driftwood 尺八
Play Button Sleeper Awakes 04'33 Driftwood 尺八
Play Button Sleeper Awakes 00'10 Driftwood 尺八
Play Button Sleeper Awakes 00'50 Driftwood 尺八
Play Button Their Smooth Dark Flames Flicker at Times Own Root 00'17 Driftwood 尺八
Play Button Their Smooth Dark Flames Flicker at Times Own Root 04'55 Driftwood 尺八
Play Button Whispering Lunar Incantations 00'17 Driftwood 尺八
Play Button Whispering Lunar Incantations 00'49 Driftwood 尺八
Play Button Whispering Lunar Incantations 05'53 Driftwood 尺八
Play Button Whispering Lunar Incantations 01'06 Driftwood 尺八


尺八 の作品
タイトル 漢字 別題
Beside the Stream

Budding Fronds

Distant Horizon

Driftwood Spear

Shake a Dead Geranium

Sleeper Awakes

Their Smooth Dark Flames Flicker at Times Own Root

Whispering Lunar Incantations