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Ganjō no Matsu


[Style]Meiji Shinkyoku
[School]Ikuta Ryû - 生田
[Composed]Kikuzaka Kengyō - Koto

Ganjō no Matsu appears on the following albums

Album Artist

Classical Ensemble Music Vol 3 Shakuhachi : Kitahara Kōzan II
Koto : Tomiyama Mieko
Voice : Tomiyama Seikin I
Koto : Tomiyama Seikin I
Performance with voice, two koto and shakuhachi. The original piece, not including shakuhachi, is a work of Yoichi Kikuzuka, who composed many pieces in the new style called Meiji-shinkyoku, namely new pieces in the Meiji era (1868-1912). The title, meaning a pine-tree on the rock, originally was the theme of the New Year's Imperial Poetic Competition held in 1904.

The poem felicitates the everlastingness of the Emperor's reign comparing it to the evergreen pine-tree. The piece consists of six parts: introduction, fore-song, interlude, middle song, interlude and after-song. The two koto are unisonal in the song parts, but, in the interlude parts they play differently forming a kind of duet.

Ganjo no Matsu - performance study Koto : Abe Yukio
Koto : Kasahara Koto

Ganjo no Matsu - performance study Kokyū : Takahashi Suishū
Voice : Kawase Mishū
Koto : Kawase Mishū
Koto : Otsubo Shōshū
Shamisen : Yamazaki Senshū

Sankyoku Gassō Dai Zenshū (zoku) vol. 3 (続三曲合奏大全集3) Shakuhachi : Sano Reihi
Voice : Ōta Hisako
Koto : Ōta Hisako
Koto : Kuriyama Ioko
Voice : Andō Emi
Koto : Andō Emi